Hi, I'm criminal defense attorney Aaron J Borya. At my firm, we believe in second chances, which is why we offer services beyond criminal defense. We also handle drivers restoration and expungements. Recently, there have been changes in the expungement law in Michigan, which means that more people than ever are now eligible for an expungement. So, what exactly does an expungement mean? When you fill out a job application, school application, or any other form that asks if you have ever been convicted of a crime, having a criminal offense expunged allows you to answer "no" truthfully. It also removes the conviction from your criminal record, so it won't show up in a search. Previously, in Michigan, you could usually only expunge one criminal offense, and it had to be the only offense on your record. However, there are now exceptions to this rule, and you can expunge more offenses than before. For example, you can expunge a felony even if you have two misdemeanor offenses on your record. You can also expunge two misdemeanor offenses or a CSC (Criminal Sexual Conduct) offense if it occurred before January 2015. To be eligible for an expungement, you can't have more than one felony and two misdemeanors on your record. Additionally, five years must have passed since you completed probation, jail, or prison term. As long as you meet these criteria, you are eligible for an expungement. There are a few types of offenses that cannot be expunged, such as life offenses like murder or armed robbery, certain CSC cases, human trafficking offenses, and traffic offenses. This means that offenses like reckless driving or drunk driving cannot be expunged. To begin the process of expungement, your attorney will need to obtain documents from the court clerk, which you will need to fill out, sign, and have...
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U.S. Department of Labor. H-2B Workforce Analysis Tool. Frequently Asked Questions • Do Employment Eligible with H-2B visas with less than 65% of their prior H-2B work experience be eligible to apply for a U.S. work visa? If a worker is not a U.S. citizen, is that worker eligible for a work visa? The following chart shows the percentages of prior H-2B work experience for three levels of prior H-2B work history for the employment-based immigrant visa class (B1, B2, and TN visas).
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